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You shall shun disassociated persons. Was this page useful? Retrieved 16 November 2014.
Jehovah's Witnesses report friends and family members 'You should speak to the wrongdoer, urging him to seek the help of the elders. His warning si as the federal government considers tightening the definition of a charity to prevent some cults and quasi-religions keeping their tax free status. Top leaders are being questioned under oath as judges and investigators try to get to the bottom of a global scandal. Predators purposefully exploit that isolation, said Una Hallisey, a London attorney spearheading similar civil lawsuits in England. The rules were compiled by former Jehovah's Witnesses who were happy to live by these rules when they were active in the organization. No one forbids them from being a cheerleader, buying girl scout cookies, reading literature from other caballeros, playing competitive sports, etc. The appeal court jehovahs witness dating australia the judgment, granting that lesser sanctions might compel the Watchtower Society of New York to comply with the court's requirements. You shall not divorce unless one marriage partner committed adultery. Many of the initial beliefs and symbols responsible through the Watchtower were of Masonic origins, taken by Russell from the Second Adventist movement. In some cases, those elders remain in positions of power in their local congregations. This site has very specific rules and regulations to protect you.
Campos moved to another congregation in 1987 and became an elder in 1993. You should not believe in ghosts. You shall believe that the number 144000 in the book of Revelation is to be taken literally. None of the agencies agreed to talk. - See Jesus brought with him a new, more accurate understanding in which individuals answer directly to God. It was compiled by former members based on experience and information in Watchtower publications.
What Jehovah's Witnesses Believe. Right or wrong, Jehovah's Witnesses are expected to obey all the rules. They are required to believe the Watchtower is 'God's organization' and 'channel of communication. Disrespect, disregard, and contempt for 'divine standards' i. Watchtower rules is treated as 'wrong doing'. In fact simply leaving the Watchtower is considered the same as wrong doing! There is no honorable way to leave this church. Family members and friends are not allowed to associate with former members. If they do, they can be disfellowshipped as well. Jehovah's Witnesses can't even greet a disfellowshipped JW with a simple 'Hi. Most will walk right by without making eye contact. This means that since 1952, the Watchtower's shunning requirement for members who leave has destroyed millions of families and close relationships. This list of rules is not an official organizational document. It was compiled by former members based on experience and information in Watchtower publications. Things Jehovah's Witnesses Can't Do. They are 'bad' associations. Here is where another Scriptural principle enters the picture. JW's are 'appointed' and invited to be leaders. We went to the military base as ordered, but we respectfully refused to put on the uniform. The officials held us in custody, and soon afterward a court sentenced us to six months in prison. We were also incarcerated for the eight months required for military service. So we spent a total of 14 months in prison because of our neutral stand. Much of this thinking reflects the mind of Satan the Devil. Excessive attention to other books or sources of instruction can wear us out. Especially when such writings are the product of worldly reasoning that conflicts with godly wisdom are they unwholesome and destructive of faith in God. JW's do not want to be affiliated with the Salvation Army. WT, Sept 1, 1962, Article: 'Do You Know the Salvation Army? Magazine, July 8, 2003, Article: 'The Bible's Viewpoint Is Hypnotism for Christians? Dating is only for those seeking marriage. Magazine, January 2007, Article: 'When Can I Start Dating? Whether there are valid reasons or not for terminating the engagement will always be a determining factor. Homosexuality is not allowed. Magazine, Feb 2007, Article: 'Young People Ask. Homosexuality—How Can I Avoid It? Also see quote from the Watchtower magazine in rule 58. WT, Nov 1, 2002, 'Questions From Readers', 'Is it wrong to bet if only small amounts of money are involved? Celebrating false religious and political songs is not allowed. This could put the organization in a bad light. Sexual misconduct is not allowed WT, Aug 15, 1987, Article: 'Youths—Are You Spiritually Progressive? This is probably because according to the WT, men should be masculine and women should be feminine. God created women to be submissive to men. The Watchtower says, 'you would certainly not want to invite undue attention by flirting or by being immodest in your dress and grooming. JW's are concerned about stumbling non believers who may be interested in the JW religion. Magazine, Mar 22, 2000, Article: 'Young People Ask. What About Body Piercing? JW's must 'speak in agreement' and be 'like-minded'. And WT, Aug 15, 1987, Article: 'Is the Cross for Christians? More important, because it is a form of divination, numerology conflicts with Bible teachings. In view of that, numerology is not a beneficial means of regulating your life or planning your future. Magazine, Sept 8, 2002, Article: 'Should You Look to Numbers for Guidance? Jehovah's Witnesses report friends and family members 'You should speak to the wrongdoer, urging him to seek the help of the elders. James 5:13-18 If he does not do this within a reasonable period of time, concern for the cleanness of the congregation should move you to report the matter to the elders. They are mindful that their conduct could be misinterpreted by others. WT, Feb 15, 2009, Article: 'Should You Insist on Your Personal Preferences? And they cannot comment on what we have to say. They must think exactly like Watchtower tells them to think. If we follow them, we will leave the road to everlasting life. The warning from the Bible is like a warning from a doctor who tells you to avoid a person who has a disease that may spread to others. The doctor knows that if you get this disease, you will die. The Bible says that apostates are mentally diseased. It's not appropriate and not spiritual. Tight pants are also designed by homosexuals according to Anthony Morris III, member of the Governing Body, Sermon, Nov 8, 2014, 'Is Your Family a Spiritual Family? Watchtower magazine, June 1, 1977, p 347 Smile When Jehovah's Witnesses Talk To You About The Truth. Back to the The Five Top Rules. Some JW rules cannot be broken without serious consequences. The word 'CAN'T' in this list of 141 rules includes restrictions of the organization and restrictions JW's place upon themselves in an effort to please their God Jehovah. Many of the 141 rules such watching porn, reading sexual materials, sexual fantasies, etc are hard to enforce if there's no proof. Two or three witnesses are required to prove guilt. Or someone might voluntarily confess. However going to the Elders in hopes of solving their 'problem' is not likely to make them feel better. All JW's are expected to turn off sexual thoughts or 'deaden' them except for the person they're married to. A person who can't do that might feel broken, defective, hopeless, unloved by God, etc. To understand the loneliness, guilt, self-imposed judgment, and despair JW's can feel when they have sexual fantasies, read and the path to mental illness. Back to the Criticism Of The 141 Rules. Jehovah's Witnesses may object and say they have gotten away with doing some of the things on this list. This is very true. The rules are not quite as important as loyalty to the organization. Here's what our experience was when we were Jehovah's Witnesses. If a Jehovah's Witness wants to be loved and accepted by their family and the only friends they are allowed to have, they instinctively know it's best to go above and beyond the minimum requirements of the Watchtower Society. The last thing a Jehovah's Witness wants to do is get in trouble with the organization or be called in for a 'judicial committee hearing'. In an effort to stay out of trouble, some Jehovah's Witness like to blend in and not be noticed. Others prefer to take the lime light as a leader, doing far more than is required. The rules were compiled by former Jehovah's Witnesses who were happy to live by these rules when they were active in the organization. That being said, the rules can be very restrictive for young children who are singled out because they can't do many things fellow students do. Many adult JW's don't have a problem following the rules. The ones that do, are free to leave. However leaving is very difficult. Back to the Fear. Everyone is afraid of challenging the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Even some highly inactive Jehovah's Witnesses who rarely go to meetings, are afraid to speak out against the organization. Secretly they break the rules when no one is watching. But they will not publicly voice their viewpoints or disagree. Saying anything negative about their religion could result in disfellowshipping and being shunned. If this were to happen, they would lose relationships with family and friends inside the organization. If caught, some things Jehovah's Witnesses can't do are very serious and can result in or disassociation. Other things are looked down upon or judged negatively by individuals within the organization. Some things are a matter conscience. Not every rule is given equal weight. In serious matters there needs to be two or more witnesses to the 'wrong doing' unless the accused admits guilt. Matthew 18:15-17 Back to the Conscience. For some items on this list, there are no formal rules that say you must not do these things. No one forbids them from being a cheerleader, buying girl scout cookies, reading literature from other religions, playing competitive sports, etc. Jehovah's Witnesses 'can' technically do some of the things on this list, but they don't. Zealous JW's choose to follow stricter guidelines. They don't participate because most are overwhelmed by fear and guilt at the mere thought of displeasing Jehovah. For example, Jehovah's Witnesses must not celebrate Halloween. Does that mean they can't give out candies when children come to their door? However many Jehovah's Witnesses will not participate in giving out candies, because to them it's part of the Halloween celebration. Back to the Guilt Trips And Fear. Why do Jehovah's Witnesses feel guilty about doing so many things? Because their God Jehovah has many attributes. He is a God of love, but he is also a God of righteousness and judgment. When angered, Jehovah is capable of wiping out entire nations in a fit of rage. Deut 9:6-8; Zechariah 8:14; 2 Kings 22:13; Isaiah 13:9-16; Nahum 1:2. Jehovah is a tribal God. He demands sacrifice and obedience to tribal rules and regulations. For ancient tribes, group survival was far more important than individual rights and freedoms. Because strict rules are easy to break, worshipers of Jehovah are never certain of salvation. See Jesus brought with him a new, more accurate understanding in which individuals answer directly to God. They do not worship God by being faithful to a tribe, religion, or visible organization. Their personal relationship with God is symbolized by Followers of Jesus are not saved by keeping rules. Eternal life is a free gift. Christians are free from strict laws, rules, and regulations. They don't have as much guilt or fear because they have a personal relationship with Jesus. Christians are saved by God's grace. There is nothing they can do to earn salvation. The God of Christians is kind, loving, humble, and gentle. Matthew 11:29; 1 John 4:8-21; Luke 6:27,35; He is forgiving and understanding. Matthew 6:14; Mark 11:25; See The Jehovah's Witnesses recognize the teachings of Jesus, but they choose to put Jehovah first. Even though Jesus came to do the will of his Father, there is evidence that Jehovah is a very different God. Of course God has not changed. However our understanding of God has evolved. There is only one Creator. Jesus explained the true nature of God and disagreed with the Pharisees who focused on rules instead of God's love. Since Jehovah's Witnesses serve Jehovah, they must earn God's love just like the ancient Israelites did. There is guilt because whatever they do for Jehovah, it may not to be enough. Oftentimes Jehovah's Witnesses believe they could have done more, and because they didn't, there is worry that Jehovah may not save them. What if they have angered Jehovah in some way that they are not aware of? What if Jehovah punishes them for not doing enough in these last days before armageddon? What if they could have attended more meetings, spent more time going from door to door, etc. Ironically, in their fear of displeasing Jehovah and the Apostle Paul who was a self-proclaimed Christian Pharisee, Acts 23:6 , they have not fully accepted the teachings of Jesus. It's important for Christians to follow Jesus because the Bible says all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to him. By enforcing strict rules and regulations Jesus didn't teach, critics say they have run ahead of Jesus and their salvation may be in jeopardy. See Back to the New Beliefs. The 141 rules listed on this page are based on our personal experiences when we were Jehovah's Witnesses. This is the way we thought. We observed fellow Jehovah's Witnesses dealing with guilt, what's right, and what's wrong. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jehovah's light gets brighter and brighter. That's why there is nothing wrong with changing beliefs as needed. Old understandings of what God requires are quickly forgotten and new doctrines are eagerly adopted as new truths from Jehovah. Some things, they 'must' not do. Other things they shouldn't do. Some things are not recommended. And some things are a matter conscience. Faithful Jehovah's Witnesses often feel guilty that they might be doing something to displease God. Some consult with elders or write the Society's headquarters for guidance to make sure they haven't displeased Jehovah. Back to the Double Standards. It is interesting that some people get disfellowshipped for the the smallest of infractions. While others get away with a lot and no one ever says anything. It all depends on how much you're liked in your congregation, how much time you spend going door to door, and how loyal you are to the organization. Loyalty and complete submission to the leadership of the organization is expected. Independent thinking and rebellion against the church's authority is a sure way to be 'marked' within the organization. The Elders carefully monitor the behavior of marked individuals within their congregation. We certainly love and respect the desire Jehovah's Witnesses have to please God. However in their efforts to be the most righteous and best religion on the planet, they have added rules and regulations that Jesus did not teach. This is unfortunate because the Bible says that Jesus is the path to eternal life. John 6:40-68; Jude 1:21; John 17:2; John 10:25-30; John 3:14-16. In addition, the Apostle John said, 'Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God;... If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into your house or welcome him. Anyone who welcomes him shares in his wicked work. No he did not. See and find out what this scripture means. When this happens, Elders decide what to do or they call their corporate headquarters for instructions. Jehovah's Witnesses have a unique language that they are proud of. It reinforces their belief that they are the only ones with the truth and living is a spiritual paradise. However no one has told them the true purpose of their unique wordology. Words like 'in the truth', 'God's organization', 'paradise earth', 'doomed system of things', etc, are repeated within the organization over and over again in literature, conversations, and meetings. Powerful words keep Jehovah's witnesses obedient, afraid to question the authority of their religious leaders. Some JW's try to reclaim their freedom by. However even then most are afraid to say what they really want to say especially if they have family and friends inside the church. Long after a Jehovah Witness leaves their religion, they remain firmly attached to the beliefs of the Watchtower, until they understand. Jehovah's Witnesses are required to 'speak in agreement' and defend all doctrines even when they have doubts. They are afraid to question Jehovah's wisdom as explained by the Watchtower because they are told they belong to Jehovah's organization. Thus, the good of the organization is thought to be far more important than individual rights, beliefs, and freedom of speech. Independent thinking is discouraged because unity of beliefs is a requirement. Speaking out against the church's doctrines is thought to be a dangerous path leading to 'apostasy' and termination of one's membership in Jehovah's organization. A JW's salvation as a Christian and making it through alive depends on their dedication and obedience to Jehovah's spirit guided organization, the WT. If you want to meet a lot of JW's, without going to a Kingdom Hall service, go to stores, restaurants, and public places after dark on Halloween. They don't want to be home when children go trick or treating. Many of them leave their homes, turn out the lights, and go to out for the evening. Or they stay home in the dark. It's just a really uncomfortable time of year for Jehovah's Witnesses. Jehovah's Witnesses fear and obey their religious leaders based on the words of Jesus in It is believed that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is God's only in the world today. To make a public exposure of false religion is...